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 TLC – Thinking Like Canines

Developed By Barbara Sykes MCFBA MBIPDT

Barbara & Vicki Sykes consultants in canine behaviour

Training and Behaviour for pet dogs – all breeds

  • Pulling on a lead
  • Poor recall
  • Jumping up
  • Aggression
  • Barking
  • Anxiety

Behavioural consultations and training for all breeds and problems, including aggression, with our TLC – Thinking Like Canines technique, developed by Barbara Sykes MCFBA MBIPDT

TLC dog training and behaviour is about listening to our dogs and talking to them in their own language – body language. From simple body movements a dog will soon learn not to pull on a lead and it doesn’t involve any pulling or jerking of the collar, it is taught on a loose lead.

If dog training is complicated our own lives can become complicated. Dogs are very simplistic they understand their own language and instincts. If we want to make training easy for both them and ourselves, we must make every effort to communicate with them in a way they understand.

Your behavioural or training consultation will include you, your dog, and your family so that everyone is included in the training. You will be given printed information to take home and you will have a free six months back up service provided by email or telephone.

If you have a problem dog contact us and we will be able to give you advice on how we can help you.

To discuss or to book an appointment please contact us on 01274564163.

It will help us to help you if you send a brief description of your dog’s issues to  prior to contacting us, and please include your telephone number so we can contact you.

We do not have formal training classes at Mainline but we hold training days so please keep checking our Diary Dates for forthcoming events.

Workshops, Seminars & Public speaking

For organisations or small private groups

We travel to clubs, groups and organisations providing seminars and workshops which are tailored to your requests. From training, Q’s and A’s, demonstrations, to a humorous talk for a social gathering.


Thought provoking

What a wonderful and entertaining talk, full of humour but thought provoking and loved meeting your canine assistant.

Humorous and fun

Barbara and Vicki have a way of turning the problems they meet in life into a humorous and fun event. Excellent talk and laughed all the way through it. Thank you.

Belle settled on a mat

Thank you so much for seeing us yesterday. We are putting your suggestions into practice & we’re amazed last night when Belle settled on a mat in the room and remained calm.

Millie is responding well

Millie is responding well and has stopped pulling on the lead already. She has almost stopped barking at the door and today when someone walked up the drive she got up and went to her bed without even a look from me! We have a long way to go but she seems a much more settled dog.
Thank you

Practicing the new techniques

I was home with the dogs all last week and from the first day out walking the techniques you showed us have worked a treat. I’ve walked him past loads of dogs and people and it’s been great, no lunging, no freaky behaviour, he feels safe. At home we’ve had a number of visitors ad I’ve been practicing the new techniques, again everything worked well.